

Launch of Moral Mellow
Launch of Moral Mellow
  • Sept 2nd, Kathmandu, Nepal, - "A Morale Mellow”- A support song was released by the Honourable Chief Guest H.E. Madhav Kumar Nepal, Former PM of Nepal, who gave his strong support for this campaign “World Moral Day” during his speech he inspired people to stay in the path of righteousness and commended the efforts of WHD initiatives and its Founder Dr Abdul Basit Syed.
  • The former Prime Minister also praised the dedication shown by the youth as admirable winning this herculean task for creating the dream of World Moral Day to become a reality in a song effect. The event was appreciated by Ms. Janaki Gurung the Secretary General of WHD Nepal Chapter.
  • This song was fully recomposed by the WHD Indian Youth Members and was highly appreciated by a wide range of audience all around the world.